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The Ultimate Chrome Flag extension gives instant safety and traffic rank of a webpage

Before entering into an unfamiliar website, you may want to get more information about it- its country location, WOT safety rating, McAfee Site Advisor ratings, Alexa rank, Google page rank, etc.

If you are Google Chrome user the Ultimate Chrome Flag extension gives you such information instantly.

After installing this extension, you’ll see a new icon at the end of the address bar displaying a country flag and WOT rating and the following information will be shown in the popup.

  • Country or region name
  • Domain name and IP address
  • Geo information
  • Google PageRank
  • Alexa Rank
  • WOT (Web of Trust) information
  • Copy domain name and IP address to clipboard

It also offers some configuration option, which allows you to change the information displayed and the icon displayed.

The Ultimate Chrome Flag extension can be downloaded from Chrome extension gallery. And if you are a Firefox user there is a similar add-on called Fagfox, which can be downloaded from Firefox add-on gallery [via]


  1. It's too bad that McAfee's "SiteAdvisor"...

    ...won't work on Chrome because I've compared it, fairly thoroughly to WOT, and SiteAdvisor is better. I would certainly recommend it over WOT for IE and Firefox users.

    Don't get me wrong, WOT is nice... VERY nice, actually. It's a fine utility and has just gotten better and better over time. But it's a little more work to use, and it relies a bit too heavily on the opinions of other users... many of whom are zealots. And so the ratings get weirdly skewed, and legitimate stuff gets warned about or blocked.

    SiteAdvisor, on the other hand, is a bit more democratic, uses manual site testing with predictable, not-overly-zealous criteria; and because it has so many, many more users than WOT, the information fed (anonymously, of course) back to the SiteAdvisor system from the browsers of all its millions of users is far more broadly-based and all-inclusive than what's in the WOT database.

    SiteAdvisor, I must say (and others may disagree, and that's fine) is head-and-shoulders better than WOT. That said, were I using Chrome as my browser, and if WOT were all that was available to me, I'd happily use it without feeling like I'm being forced to use a sub-standard product. WOT, for all its negatives which I've herein cited, really is a fine utility.

    Just my thoughs, for what they're worth. Hope they help.

    Gregg L. DesElms
    Napa, California USA
    gregg at greggdeselms dot com

  2. LOL, I think you mean Flagfox, not Fagfox

  3. Yes LOL, it is a mistake. Thanks for correcting.


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