You might have heard about Google Wave, a new web-based real-time communication and collaboration tool recently released by Google to a limited group of people (currently limited access, invitation-only preview).
The Complete Guide to Google Wave is a collaborative user manual for Google Wave written and edited by Gina Trapani (Lifehacker founder) with Adam Pash (editor of Lifehacker.
With this comprehensive e-book you'll learn what is Google Wave and what problems it solves, how to use it, how to manage your Wave contacts, and much more.
According to the author “Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand……. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes”. [via]
The problem with the folks like Google & Yahoo is that they have created many tools which have been loosely coupled. The challenge with such a solution is that the the information gets locked into multiple silos. With Google Wave they are trying to integrate all the conversations (discussions) but what would be truly desirable is a platform built form ground up using social networking at the base and business apps on top of it. I have tried Injoos Teamware ( and found it captures both informal and formal knowledge like documents in one single workspace on the cloud.