Symantec Registry Repair is free tool for removing the unwanted registry entries that were added during the upgrade of Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1. After installing Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1 (on Norton product installed PC), if you have problems like empty Windows Device Manager, unable to connect using a wireless adapter or missing Wireless network adaptors or other hardware devices, this tool will be help you rectifying the issues.
These problems happens because when you install Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista SP 1, a tool that is called Fixccs.exe adds numerous registry keys in many locations (some of them within the Symantec registry keys) but is unable to remove them.
If you experience any such problems after upgrading your Windows operating system download and run the Symantec Registry Repair tool. No installation is required. It will automatically remove any such entries. (more info)
a friend told me about this, seems to be a great app.