The RSA FraudAction Research Lab has discovered a social engineering scam which redirect users to a fake news site looks like (see the image below). This scam site first sends legitimate like email (see the image below)to the internet users asking them to view the latest news coverage on Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. If you click on this link it will redirect to a fake CNN like website.
This fake webpage includes another link which appears to be a legitimate video. When visitors click on the video to view, an error message popping up and ask them to install the latest Adobe Flash Player 10 to play the video. If you click to install flash player, it will download malicious software and installed a Trojan on your computer.
Fake emailThe Trojan that is launched when the link to the fake software installation is accessed is called a Trojan “SSL stealer” that captures financial and personal information of the infected user found on their computer. More information....
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