Symantec Security Check will help you to solve some of these issues. It will test your computer's exposure to a wide range of online threats. This free, effective online tool helps determine your Internet security needs.
It will check for the following areas:
Hacker Exposure Check: Tests your TCP ports for unauthorized Internet connections. Open ports are dangerous because they're an easy and attractive means of entry for hackers. For example FTP port. It is used to transfer files between your computer and other computers. Port 21 should be open only if you're running an FTP server.
Windows Vulnerability Check: Checks whether basic information about your computer, including your PC's network identity, is exposed to hackers.
Trojan horse Check: Attempts to test for access to your computer through methods commonly used by Trojan horses.
Antivirus Product Check: Checks for a current version of a commonly-used virus protection product.
Virus Protection Update Check: Checks whether you're safe from the latest viruses. Applicable if you have a virus protection product.
To perform the check you should have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher or the latest version of AOL with ActiveX and scripting enabled.
Certainly useful!