Finjan has released a browser plug-in, SecureTwitter that protects your PC from malware that can be downloaded from the shortened URLs. It scans every URLs and gives security ratings before you clicking the link.

SecureTwitter is part of SecureBrowsing, a free security extension for your browser (Firefox and Internet Explorer) that scans and classifies web addresses to provide you with safety rating of URLs before you visit them.

Unlike other similar products, Finjan’s SecureBrowsing scans each URL as it currently exists on the web, each time the address is displayed in your browser. It proactively alerts you to potentially malicious web addresses in links of search results, ads and other selected web pages.
Safety ratings are provided visually next to each scanned URL. For simplicity, Finjan’s SecureBrowsing uses three color-coded symbols: Green-safe, Red-unsafe …. (Via – IDG)
SecureTwitter can be downloaded from here
Why no plug in for Opera 10? IE & Firefox too archaic to go back to.